Here are 6 Reasons Why You Have Mouth Odor and 10 Ways to Solve the Problem
Who doesn’t want to have fresh breath? Everyone want to have fresh breath and of course be confident at all times every time and everywhere. This information is aimed at getting solutions to mouth odor causing bacteria.
This article is centered around what you can eat that can help give fresh breath. Kindly note that apart from having any other underlying chronic illness, the following food items can predispose you to having mouth odors.
These underlisted food items are not bad actually but eating them can give you a bad breath if care is not taken.
1. Garlic: garlic is a very powerful Sulphur containing herbs with strong smell.
Eating this without proper care can make your mouth smell so bad.
2. Onions: this too fall in the same category of the former.
3. Fish: Some certain types of fish can give you a smelly mouth.
4. Carbonated drinks: unfortunately your favourite carbonated drinks can be the reason why you have that continuously smelly breath.
5. Alcohol: Alcohol has a very strong smell that can alter the state of your mouth.
6. Spicy foods.
Anytime you’re having the smelly mouth day just check out the following underlisted.
1. Water: most bad breath are caused by dry mouth. The simple and easiest way to overcome this is to take in water. By drinking water your mouth and tongue becomes hydrated.
2. Ginger: Anytime you feel your confidence is swaying by reason of a smelly mouth, simply chew on a ginger if within reach.
3. Parsely: Parsely leaves do wonders In a lot of ways and eliminating bad breath is one of the numerous wonders of this beautiful herb.
4. Chewing Gum: This works like magic. Apart from the flavour on the gum, chewing gum prevents your mouth from getting dry. If you must chew gum please Chew the Sugarless gum and be very conscious of the environment because chewing of gum isn’t proper in some certain environment.
5. Green Tea: Drinking green tea regularly keeps bad breath away.
6. Yoghurt: the good bacteria (probiotics) in yoghurt helps to combat the bad bacteria causing bad breath.
7. Fresh Mint leaves: Ever wondered why mint is usually an ingredient in all toothpastes? Mint leaf is your go to remedy for bad breath. Chew on it or make a tea of fresh Mint leaves.
8. Basil: excellent for getting rid of bad breath.
9. Nuts: you feel refreshed after eating nuts don’t you? It can also be a life saver.
10. Others are apples, oranges, water melon, berries, celery, carrots and cucumber: These are packed with vitamin C and antioxidants that helps keep bad breath away.
I will also emphasize good oral practice such as:
1. Floss regularly.
2. Brush twice daily. Make sure you brush both the teeth and the tongue.
3. Keep your mouth moisturized.
4. Scrape your tongue regularly.
5. Keep your gums healthy.
6. Always have breath freshener with you.
7. Quit Tobacco habit.
8. Minimize or stop taking Alcohol.
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See you in my next article.
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